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Arque Advisors is a Registered Investment Advisor to institutional and high net worth investors. The firm and its affiliates develop and manage proprietary funds and offer investment management and consulting services. Currently the firm is most active in investing in risk controlled equity investments, as an early stage investor in hedge funds and in various private invesments.


Arque's investment philosophy is to ensure our client's preservation of capital and to provide a consistent attractive risk-adjusted return. To this end, Arque strives to offer alternative investment strategies with low volatility, stable returns, high collateral coverage and modest leverage to enhance returns. We believe in providing full transparency through technology, auditors, third-party administrators, collateral custodians and open communication to our investors.


No Solicitation or Investment Advice: the material contained on this website is for informational purposes only and Arque Advisors, LLC is not soliciting any action based upon such material. The material is not to be construed as an offer or a recommendation to invest in or buy or sell any funds nor is it to be construed as investment advice. Additionally, the material accessible through this website does not constitute a representation that the funds described herein are suitable or appropriate for any person. © Arque Advisors LLC 2017 All rights reserved and preserved.

Arque's affiliate companies work together to provide our clients with specific expertise.

Arque Advisors has two affiliates: 

- Arque Certificate Management

- Milton Associates

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